Black Duck Resting On Water Carving Pattern
Black Duck Resting On Water Carving Pattern
Black Duck Resting on Water Carving Pattern
Carve a duck with the Black Duck Resting on Water Carving Pattern . You can carve the entire duck from the pattern or opt to only carve the part of the duck above the water line. The black duck resting on water carving pattern features a side view that includes the under water part of the duck with the floating feet. An exploded front view of the duck feet. A front view of the duck. A Top view showing feather detail including an exploded view of the tail feathers and a detailed view of the head and bill.
Choose from the size of duck you would like to carve. We offer a full size, 2/3 size, and a 1/2 size black duck resting on water carving pattern versions. The male and female are similar, so carve and paint to distinguish between those.
A full size American black duck is 21-23" in length, with a total wingspan of 35-37" and weighs from 1.6 to about 3.6 lbs. The male and female are really similar in appearance. The male features a yellow bill while the female is dull green with dark marks on the upper mandible.
Recommendations for the Black Duck Resting on Water Carving Patterns:
When carving the full size 15" long Black Duck you can use:
- 9 mm Brown eyes.
- 6" x 9" x 15" piece of Basswood or Tupelo for the body.
- 2" x 3 1/2' x 5 1/2" Basswood or Tupelo for the head.
- Feet.
- 6 mm Brown eyes.
- 4" x 6" x 10 1/2" of Basswood or Tupelo for the body.
- 2" x 2 1/4" x 3 3/4" of Basswood or Tupelo for the head.
- Feet.
- 4-5 mm Brown eyes.
- 3" x 4 1/4" x 8" of Basswood or Tupelo for the body.
- 1" x 2" x 2 3/4" for the head.
- Feet.